Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Joy of the Humble Cheeseburger

It's simple really. A patty, a slice of cheese and a bun. It's difficult to mess up but almost impossible to perfect. It is the humble cheeseburger.
In my humble opinion the cheeseburger is natures perfect food and I've decided to find the perfect one. And since nothing worth doing is worth doing without blogging here we are.
Of course there is a problem. I'm not much of a traveller so I'm stuck in the Greater Toronto Area (Sorry Paris readers.) but I will occasionally search outside of my comfort zone. I'm looking at you
For the sake of cataloging I will use three categories. Independent restaurants, chain restaurants (your McDonalds and Burger Kings) and Store Bought (like from a grocery store which my wife will most likely cook because she's good at that sort of thing.)
I will pay attention to how juicy the pattie is (a little but not too much), the meat to bun ratio (more meat than bun) and some boring things like taste.
Now I'm not that big a condiment guy. I prefer a simple cheeseburger of meat, bun, cheese (cheddar) and a little bit of ketchup. On occasion I will throw safety to the wind and try a secret sauce. Never will I put tomatoes on it, tomatoes are the devils food and should be wiped out of existence by the use of some sort of time machine.

So let's travel down this road together and maybe we will find the perfect cheeseburger, or at least have fun trying.

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