Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Burger King - The Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger

Place: Burger King
Location: 195 Fletcher's Creek Blvd, Brampton
Type: Chain Restaurant 
Web Site:
Atmosphere: Fast Food
Burger: The Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger
#of Pattys: 2
Special Sauce: HP Sauce
Toppings: Bacon


Burger King. Really that's all that has to be said. Most of have been to a Burger King at least once in our lives. It's a fast food place that is just comfortable enough for you to sit for about ten minutes. You don't go to Burger King for deep, meaningful conversation you go to eat burgers then go elsewhere.


The Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger. It's a good name and a good idea in theory. In theory Communism worked, in theory. (Stolen Simpson's joke. Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Two pattys, one slice of cheddar between the pattys, bacon and topped with HP Sauce surrounded by a bun. Looking at it on the board I didn't know about the HP Sauce on a burger but figured I would use it with steak so why not a burger? This is where you expect me to say it doesn't work but honestly the HP Sauce wasn't the downfall of this burger.
No the downfall of this burger is the meat. The pattys, while doing excellent in the all important meat to bun ratio, was just bland and lifeless. The bacon might have been over cooked, it was hard to tell because it was covered in HP Sauce but I've never seen a good piece of bacon look like that. The bun was fine, just fine. Really for a special, limited time burger it was just a big ball of blah. At least the cheese was nice, so it's got that going for it.
Look, I get it, Burger King is fast food and we don't expect excellence from fast food but I really like the whopper and don't quite understand why they wouldn't take a little bit more time to figure out how to make a special, limited time burger taste better than this.
But also look at it. It doesn't look that nice either. It looks like someone just squished it. I'm supposing those lines in the bun represent some sort of pressing/cooking machine but all it did was make it look like they were trying to turn two pattys into one. 
All in all the Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger is just a let down and does nothing to argue against the belief that fast food is no good food.
Rating:1.5 out of 5.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Five Guys Review Song - Oh My Daym!

As a follow up to my Five Guys review from last week here is a review in song form courtesy of the folks at Songify the News made from a review from Daym Drops. 
I dare you not to listen to this three or four times.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Five Guys Burgers & Fries - Cheeseburger - Brampton

Place: Five Guys Burgers & Fries
Location: 48 Peel Centre Drive, Brampton
Type: Chain Restaurant
Atmosphere: White with a trim of red. Think hospital with better food.
Burger: Cheeseburger
# of Patty's: 2
Type of Cheese: Cheddar
Special Sauce: None
Toppings: Ketchup


Five Guys burgers is a chain burger place that wants you to desperately know how good they are. I mean they just have to have you know that they are really really good. Can't tell? Then look on our walls. See all those newspaper reviews? Look at them, LOOK AT THEM! Now love us!
Also a lot of white. I guess they are going for the clean, sterile look. I think they are saying "our decor doesn't matter, it's the food that speaks for us. The food and the review on the wall NOW LOVE US!"
Just to break up the white are lines of red checkers. So the place is white with a hint of red that wants you to love it, pretty please.


Look at that.
Can you see what I see?
I see a beautiful burger. A beautiful, tasty burger that makes my taste buds work overtime just looking at it.
Sure the bun is a little thin and the burger to bun ratio is off but I dare you to say this isn't a good looking burger.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
See, you couldn't do it, could you? 
So we've seen the burger, now what does it taste like? Well friends this is a burger that is amazingly above average. The pattys (they give you two automatically.) are nice and juicy, cooked to perfection and filled with taste. The cheese droops from the patty but does not fall.. The bun is lightly toasted and they let you choose your own toppings so you could have whatever you want or don't want.
This is a burger someone cared about. Someone took the time to make sure this very burger was as good a chain restaurant could make it.
So can you tell I liked it?
The fries were as good as fries should be for this good a burger and they were plentiful. 
So in the end Five Guys Burgers & Fries makes an excellent burger with just small things to complain about. 

rating: 4.5 out of 5

Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Joy of the Humble Cheeseburger

It's simple really. A patty, a slice of cheese and a bun. It's difficult to mess up but almost impossible to perfect. It is the humble cheeseburger.
In my humble opinion the cheeseburger is natures perfect food and I've decided to find the perfect one. And since nothing worth doing is worth doing without blogging here we are.
Of course there is a problem. I'm not much of a traveller so I'm stuck in the Greater Toronto Area (Sorry Paris readers.) but I will occasionally search outside of my comfort zone. I'm looking at you
For the sake of cataloging I will use three categories. Independent restaurants, chain restaurants (your McDonalds and Burger Kings) and Store Bought (like from a grocery store which my wife will most likely cook because she's good at that sort of thing.)
I will pay attention to how juicy the pattie is (a little but not too much), the meat to bun ratio (more meat than bun) and some boring things like taste.
Now I'm not that big a condiment guy. I prefer a simple cheeseburger of meat, bun, cheese (cheddar) and a little bit of ketchup. On occasion I will throw safety to the wind and try a secret sauce. Never will I put tomatoes on it, tomatoes are the devils food and should be wiped out of existence by the use of some sort of time machine.

So let's travel down this road together and maybe we will find the perfect cheeseburger, or at least have fun trying.